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Outdoor activities for kids

Sports and nature for kids

Outdoor activities for kids: our aim is to grow awareness in the young generation of an active, sustainable and in contact with nature lifestyle.


  • We educate to life outdoors
  • Restore the contact with nature
  • Live extraordinary emotions and adventures
  • Learn while having fun with your friends
  • Satisfy the yearning of discovery

Le attività per bambini e ragazzi si svolgono tutto l’anno, a seconda della proposta e dell’attività prevista. Activities for kids take place throughout the year, depending on the proposal and the scheduled activity. We want to educate to outdoors and restore that contact with nature which is within each of us. Always equipped with the suitable thermal equipment for the planned activities, our aim is to bring kids to live outdoors in any season of the year.

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter


We pass on the passion for nature and the territory creating experiences and emotions. Environmental education activities include sports and outdoor courses, nature school and summer camps for children, marine biology laboratories, as well as field trips and school activities. Find out more about our offers!

Our aim is to grow awareness in the young generation of an active, sustainable and in contact with nature lifestyle

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