
Lucrezia Corciolani

Nature School Instructor

Who am I

I was born and raised in Riva Trigoso and in 2019 I graduated from the graphic-advertising institute in Chiavari. After high school I decided not to undertake university studies, but to try to develop my passions more. The main one is photography, which I have been pursuing since I was a child. This year I started a training course in photography and film-making. Another passion of mine is traveling, which I believe is the only way to really get to know people and cultures different from ours, as well as to live unforgettable experiences. I am a very dynamic person and a free spirit, it is difficult to hold myself still in one place.

I consider myself a very sporty person: I have practiced tennis for about 10 years, while now I dedicate myself purely to surfing and canoeing, sports that allows me to be in contact with nature. A few years ago I decided to start training as a canoe / kayak instructor, to be able to transmit my passion to others, especially to the little ones. I have a special bond with the sea, from which I cannot get far from for more than a certain period. I hope to be able to combine all these passions of mine and make them my life’s work. I am very ambitious, so usually when I reach a result, I don’t consider it finished, but only the first step to reach others.

“Outdoor Portofino was born with me”

A chat with Lucrezia

Year of birth


Joined OP


How did you join OP?

I became aware of OP about 5 years ago through social media, but I saw their nautical base in Niasca (Portofino) for the first time only a couple of years ago when I went to Portofino for the first time. I have always been fascinated by the approach that this reality has with nature and also the way in which it is developed, that is, through sports activities that allow you to stay in contact with it. After many years I have decided to propose myself and try to launch myself into this new experience, which I believe can only be positive.

What do you do in OP?

Safety Guide

  • Canoe/kayak base technician
  • Canoe/kayak competitive instructor
Your greatest passions?

My three greatest passions are photography, sports (mainly those who allow you to be in contact with nature) and travel.

Your favourite place in Liguria?

I don’t have a favorite place in Liguria, I think Liguria is all beautiful, from the sea to the mountains, and every day that passes I notice it more and more. This year, ‘thanks’ to this pandemic, I was able to appreciate it more and to discover new places that I would probably have taken for granted before. Surely, wherever I go, Liguria will always be my home, but above all Riva Trigoso, which is the place where I live, a special place to which I am very attached.

Three favourite dishes in your kitchen?

I am a good eater, but if I have to choose three: tiramisu, pasta with clams and lasagna.

Three values that best represent you?

Outgoing, altruism and adventure

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