
Alessia Venturini

Front Desk & Booking

Who am I

My name is Alessia Venturini, I’m 23 years old and I’m Genoese by birth and residence. I have been practicing dance at a competitive level since I was 6 years old. I studied languages, English, Spanish and Russian, at the Grazia Deledda high school and continued the study of Russian and Spanish at the university, graduating in 2022 in interlinguistic mediation. I am currently continuing my studies at the Digital Humanities faculty. Thanks to the experiences organized at the Grazia Deledda high school, I had the opportunity to travel a lot, visiting, among other destinations, Germany, Estonia and Ireland. In 2022, through the University of Genoa, I had the opportunity to do 6 months of Erasmus in Spain, in Malaga, an experience that was fundamental for my personal and linguistic growth.

I am sunny and determined, I always carry out the commitments I have made. I love reading and learning new things. My greatest strength, even if it can sometimes also represent a defect, is perfectionism. I am very meticulous and I do my best to be able to complete my tasks in a meticulous way. Furthermore, I am empathic and I learn very quickly, therefore, I adapt easily to different social and work situations.

“I am sunny and determined”

A chat with Alessia

Year of birth


Joined OP


How did you join OP?

I got to know Outdoor Portofino through Instagram posts and stories but I joined the OP team through Manuel Montanaro.

What do you do in OP?

Front Desk & Booking

Your greatest passions?

My greatest passions are music and dance. I have been dancing at a competitive level since I was 6 years old and over time I have cultivated my passion by participating in national and international competitions and workshops. I love traveling and making new experiences.

Your favourite place in Liguria?

My favorite place in Liguria is Deiva Marina. It is a place that I keep in my heart because it is where I had most of my childhood experiences. In general, however, I love all of Liguria, especially the seaside resorts.

Three favourite dishes in your kitchen?

My three favorite Genoese dishes are trofie al pesto, spaghetti with seafood and paccheri with pistachio pesto, cherry tomatoes and speck. I am a great lover of first courses.

Three values that best represent you?

The three values ​​that best represent me are cheerfulness, perfectionism and adaptability. I always try to be positive and see the good in all things; I am extremely perfectionist which also makes me determined as I am not satisfied with myself until I complete a job flawlessly.

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