
Arianna Liconti

Science Projects Coordinator

Who am I

I grew up on the Strait of Messina with the wind in my hair and the taste of salt on my skin. The sea is my greatest passion, a playground and an limitless source of curiosity. I have decided to dedicate my life to the conservation of the sea, and I wish to involve nature lovers and not in the marathon for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea. I graduated in Marine Biology from Bangor University (UK) and have a specialization in Ecology and Conservation from the University of Plymouth and the Marine Biological Association (UK). I returned to Italy in 2019 and met Outdoor Portofino in 2020: knowing this team of people made me immediately feel as if I where at home!

I consider my formative years in the UK a success: they have brought many academic and professional achievements, including awards and great satisfactions for a student. The biggest goal, however, was for me to return to ‘my’ dear Mediterranean to work, to bring all my successes and knowledge to her service. Being able to do it with beautiful teams like Outdoor Portofino is a great luck!

“Considero un successo i miei anni di formazione in Regno Unito: hanno portato molti traguardi accademici e professionali.”

A chat with Arianna

Year of birth


Joined OP


How did you join OP?

I first met Outdoor Portofino shortly after moving to Genoa, at a marine biology conference in Santa Margherita. A few months later I found myself talking in Niasca (Portofino) with Luca and Alessandra about ideas and projects, falling in love with that place and with the kindness, serenity and curiosity of those who created it. Needless to say, I immediately felt at home! In a few weeks that enchanting place became an office for me, and the whole team an incredible work team for our sea.

What do you do in OP?

Science Projects Coordinator


RAID Dive Master

Your greatest passions?

My passions, like my profession and my interests, always orbit around the sea. I love outdoor sports (especially in the water) including surfing, climbing and walking, but also playing the guitar and writing..

Your favourite place in Liguria?

I still have to know many special places in this fantastic region which is Liguria, but the feeling of freedom that the sea gives a few meters after the Portofino lighthouse is difficult to replicate and describe.

Three favourite dishes in your kitchen?

I was born and raised on the Calabrian side of the Strait of Messina. At home my favorite summer breakfast is eating white figs directly from the tree, perhaps with a piece of pecorino, while for lunch I love the “Pane Cunzatu”, a simple wheat bread topped with beefsteak tomatoes (strictly from the vegetable garden), good olive oil, some Tropea onion, and Calabrian basil (which unlike Ligurian has large leaves like those of salads). At dinner with my grandmother Iris, I love to eat her eggplant cutlets (from the vegetable garden). Just across the Strait when I cross with the ship the only thing I want is a plate of pasta with sardines. Maybe I said more than three dishes .. does the fig count?

Three values that best represent you?

Freedom, happiness, kindness.

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